Khireshwar is one place which you won't be able to get to from information from the net or any book . Come to think of it, I don't think the 6 of us who went would be of too much help either. You'll soon see why.
loaction : Khireshwar, no idea where, Maharastra, India
landmarks : none
Best time : 10th July, 2007 (what? I didn't go there the other 365 days of the year.) But seriously go only in the monsoons.
requisites : not too much water because there's enough around, 3/4 th quarter whiskey per person (with thums up preferably) and 1 quarter whiskey per 6 people (to be drunk neat for warmth) [Umm you do the math], windcheaters that you would probably wear for a while and then cast off because you're getting wet anyway, very strong sturdy shoes, a camera.
How to get there : Take a train to Kalyan (It leaves C.S.T at 4 A.M. and reaches Kanjur Marg at around 4:50). At Kalyan, stock up on biscuits (glucose ones especially because dogs like them) and eat breakfast. Take the State Transport (S.T.) bus headed for Malshejghat and get off at the MTDC (Mahrashtra Tourism Development C for something I have no idea what) resort.
Once there, get inside the resort compund and find a medium sized dog we christened foggy. If you don't find her then take the next bus back to Kalyan and go hom
The trail starts from Kubi itself. Ask locals for khireshwar and keep doing so every time you meet one because there are millions of trails joining up and splitting from the main trail. You will have to cross atleast 1 stream whose difficulty is about one 40000th on the return journey because you don't give a fuck then. The main trail gets swamped up at times, but still carry on or you could do what we did which is find a few rocks, sit down and drink whiskey for a bit. You're probably thinking that that's a bad idea but it worked like a charm and as Ashlene predicted, we soon refound the path. You then come across a lake called The Great Lake of China (Guess who christened this one). You'll soon reach Khireshwar which is a modest village with nothing much to do. Don't ask how much time it takes because it t
Foggy : Yeah it's extremely foggy but this isn't what this is about. Foggy is the name of the dog we met at MTDC that followed (or rather led) us for around 20 km. We would have been totally lost if it wasn't for the dog. We did feed it a lot of food but the other do
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